Gruppo Sinestetico (Albertin , Sassu , Scordo) is present :


Athens Video Art Festival 2013.

7/8/9 june 2013

In 2013 our annual anniversary invitation had the response of many artists from around the world. In the category of video art the entries recorded over 450 with a high degree of difficulty selection.

Beyond the common optical frames of communication and functionality, such as the depictions on television, on computer or the physical windows, video art assumes the role to reflect on the trends of modern times. Issues related to collectivism, consumerism, homogeneity of everyday life, human development, communication and perception are formed depictions in response to our present, and committed reviews of the past and statements for the future.

Abstracted forms constructed either with digital mediums or through fragments and close up of physical states, personal and collective narratives which are milestones for modern society and additional subjective considerations for the present are formed this year’s video art programme.

Frames and sounds travel around the globe, contributing to spatiotemporal compositions of modern society with the aim of representation and description.

Main office: 7 Flemingk str., Nea Filadelfia - Athens, 143 42, Greece

Branch office: 18 Miltiadou str., Monastiraki - Athens, 105 60, Greece


still video Gruppo sinestetico

(show video) " THE FORMER OFFICINE BREDA" (1' 40") 2012


Abbiamo 237 visitatori e nessun utente online




Padova Sorprende

Arles Fotografia

Biennale di Venezia

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